Core Modules
Guest Link
- Track guest requests
- Escalate incomplete requests
- Constant follow-ups
- Rate guest satisfaction
Guest Relations
- Solicit guest feedback
- Escalate adverse feedback
- Rate guest satisfaction
- Recommend other facilities
Employee Polls
- HR initiates a poll
- Nomination by HODs
- Voting by HODs
- Winner posted on dashboard

Unique features
Service delivery KPIs at a glance, excellent tool for the busy executives
Communication tools
Notification on actionable issues, Internal communication tool for all system users.
Notification to concerned department(s) on overdue issues
Access from any gadget with internet connectivity, mobile friendly platform
Generate reports on various aspects of the service delivery chain
Departmental efficiency
Determine departmental performance in responding to guest requests
Top 10 issues
Statistics-backed decisions to resolve rampants issues impacting guest experience
Guest satisfaction
Get to know your guest level of satisfaction as a percentage through Guest link and Guest relations modules
Employee polling tool
Objective method to determine employees worth receiving awards for exemporaly service